Book Library & Reading Journal Notion Template (Premium Version)

book library reading journal notion template

Welcome to our Book Libary & Reading Journal Notion Template (Premium Version)

Reading books has always been an irreplaceable aspect of our life. When we first started the Organized Notebook, the Book Library Template was the first product we created because we found the need to organize our reading, to arrange our books in a way that it keeps motivates us to read and reflect after we finished our books.

There are no words to describe how reading is to us, reading is a way for us to keep boosting our brain, produce creative content for our business, and needless to say, open our minds to different aspects of life. Books can be a mirror for us to face hidden aspects that we have been ignoring or hiding from them, yet sometimes can draw an imaginative world for us to immerse in. For us, books are not only for self-learning and personal growth but also a great source of entertainment to get away from the busy society and online social media.

Hence, we have spent a bit more time to build upon our previous Book Library Notion Template into a more functional product and we would love to introduce you to the Premium Version below. We hope these templates will help you set your reading goals, motivate you to read more, and explore reading as a fun and enjoyable activity

How to start using our Notion Book Library & Reading Journal Premium Notion Template?

book library premium notion template

Our Premium Book Library Notion template is the perfect way to keep track of your reading! We created this template so that there is a way to see the status of all of your books. In addition, there are additional features for reflection, collecting online resources, and setting reading goals. If you need some motivation to read more this year check out our article here.

We recommend you start with our Standard package to explore our free template and learn more about Notion. When you feel that you would like more templates for your needs without having to build them yourself, check out our Premium package. The next step is to watch our tutorial videos and learn how to customize your own!

If you are new to Notion, check out our article “What is Notion and How to Get Started”.

You can get this Book Library & Reading Journal Premium Notion Template through Gumroad and find our tutorial below.

Get this template

Note: We ensure most of our templates and products have FREE versions so anyone can access them. We would greatly appreciate any support to keep doing this. ♥️

Here are some ways to support us: purchase our templates/products and subscribe to our Youtube channel. And make sure to check out our Website for regular updates!

Why should you use this Book Library & Reading Journal on NOTION?

premium book library notion template

While there are a great deal of applications out there for us to track our reading and save books such as Goodreads, Google Books, Apple Books, etc, we found that Notion helps us become more creative with our reading journey, customize to fit our personalities and keep our book review/book reflection a bit more private and unbiased with the reviews posted by online peers out there.

Moreover, the template on Notion can be updated and designed based on our wishes without extra charges/fees paid to the applications mentioned above. Hence, why don’t you give our templates a try?

What is included in the Premium Version?

Our Premium version provides all you need to have for your reading activity

Mood Photo & Quote: This is where you put the photo and quotes that fit your reading mood. We recommend you customize this section to fit your own personality and create a cozy reading vibe for you!

Quick Links: This is where you can access all databases quickly. The databases are Daily Reading Journal, Author Gallery, Favorite Quotes, and All Books

Reading DashboardThis is where you can quickly see your books by status – Reading Now, Want To Read and Want to Read Again. You can easily add new views to fit your needs in tracking the books you read this year or last year.

Reading Lists

This is where you can put the books you finished reading in your list and track your progress.

  • List type: currently, there are three types of lists – Reading Challenges, Book Lists to Share, and Book Clubs. Please feel free to edit based on your needs and you can easily share this list with your friends and your reading peers.
  • Start date & Goal Date: where you can track your dates
  • Goal Summary: where you want to write down one sentence that summarizes your reading goal
  • Target books: where you want to write down the actual number of books you plan to read for this list
  • Books I read: Input the books you finished reading. There will be a gallery view of the books you finished reading below and you can freely share this list with your friends.
  • Actual books & Progress: this will be automatically calculated once you input the books you finished reading

Browse by genre & authors

  • Browse by genre: in each genre, you can find the books linked in there ****
  • Browse by authors: in every box, you can find the books linked with that specific author there. You can input more information about your favorite authors here too

All Books

This is where you can input data for all of your books by

  • Status
  • Start Date & Finish Date
  • GenreAuthors
  • Rating: from 1-5 stars
  • Format & From where you got the Book
  • Book Length & Book Mark
  • Progress: will be automatically calculated for you
  • Reflection: whether you have provided your own reflection for the book
  • Book review as a sub-template: we have designed a sub-template where you can provide your own personal review and reflection on the book

Reading Journal & Tracker

We create this section for you to track your reading activity on a daily or weekly basis. You can track your pages read, minutes read, different books read, and notes taken during reading. We have also designed a view that you can check by month to see on average how many days you read, and how many minutes, and pages you read each time.

Favorite Quotes

This section is designed to keep note of all amazing quotes during reading. Each quote will be linked with the corresponding book and you can provide your own thoughts on each quote. This section has helped a lot in reminding me what each chapter or each book is about and, the quotes are always inspiring and provide great reminders.

Don’t forget to check the preview link above to know more about our Premium Version:

How to customize our Book Library & Reading Journal Notion Template?

We recommend you customize our template to fit your unique personalities and the best way is to do through icons and cover photos.

For icons, check out our full tutorial on how to customize icons on Notion in the following article:

For cover photos, check out our full tutorial on Notion in the following article:

Want to share your thoughts on our Book Library & Reading Journal Notion Template?

Send us your thoughts, feedback, or requests via the link We will select the top-voted ones to create new updates for the template 🌟.

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