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What is Notion Sites?

Notion's intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows you to create a professional-looking website without any coding skills. You can seamlessly incorporate elements like images, videos, and third-party integrations, and publish the website in a minute! This makes Notion Sites an ideal website builder solution for digital creators, entrepreneurs, and small business owners!

Try Notion Sites Now!

Pros & Cons

Pros & Cons of Notion Sites

  • Pros

    • User-friendly & intuitive drag-and-drop interface
    • Easy & no-code solution; you can build a website yourself
    • Publish your website with a single click
    • Custom domain link to make it truly your website
  • Cons

    • Limited customization in the design & plug-in options.
    • Some functionalities may not be fully developed or require third-party integrations.
    • SEO limitations might affect search engine visibility.
    • Slower performance than a specialized website builder


How much does Notion Sites cost?

Free plan: You can always try to publish a Notion site for free and one workspace can connect to one notion.site domain. This plan might not come with full functionalities to adjust site customizations, link expiration, and SEO settings.

Paid Plans: To publish a Notion page as a website with a custom domain, you will need to subscribe to a paid plan, starting from Plus plan at 10$/month if you decide to pay a yearly fee. Furthermore, to link an existing domain that you already own, an additional fee is required for each domain.


What makes Notion Sites unique?

  • Easy & no-code solution

    Simple websites can be built in seconds with Notion, from company websites, blogs, personal resumes, and portfolios.

  • Team Collaboration

    Notion pages are designed to facilitate seamless teamwork, allowing multiple users to work together effortlessly to create a beautiful website.

  • Third-party integrations

    From video hosting platforms to online stores and scheduling tools, these apps will help you create a more dynamic and interactive site.

  • Custom Domain Link

    Useful for individuals and companies to quickly publish official landing pages.


Notion Sites Review (2024): Is this the right tool for me?

Notion Sites is ideal for users who want to quickly publish a website without coding skills.

Notion Sites allows users to publish a website quickly without extensive setup or help from developers. It is ideal for those who lack coding skills but want to create a functional and visually appealing site. Additionally, it offers affordability and simplicity, making it an ideal solution for showcasing work without the need to involve professional developers.

On the other hand, Notion Sites might not be a good fit if you need extensive customization options for detailed and specific design elements tailored to your preferences.

If you need advanced integrations with a wide variety of external tools and platforms that you rely on for your daily operations, Notion Sites may fall short. Furthermore, if you require robust features beyond basic site creation, such as extensive e-commerce functionalities, advanced analytics, or complex user management systems, Notion Sites might not meet your needs.

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