Workbook: Resolution Reflection and Planning
Welcome to our “Resolution Reflection and Planning (Downloadable Workbook)” This PDF is designed to help you apply the concepts from “How to plan your New Year’s Resolutions” to your own life. If you haven’t checked out that article yet, we recommend you read it first so you have an understanding of the key concepts!

You can get the “Resolution Reflection and Planning (Downloadable Workbook)” from Gumroad below! You can write on it electronically using a tablet or use it as a printable. Get this workbook!

Our “Resolution Reflection and Planning (Downloadable Workbook)” is designed in a way that you go from free-flowing writing about your year into specific reflection and planning questions. We then take you through making a list of resolutions you want to make and how to transform them into a new identity!
Here is a sample of the printable that’s filled in so you can get an idea of how it works:
Resolution Printable (SampleVersion) by organized notebookReflection Last Year
In these pages, you can first do a free-flowing reflection on the past year. Don’t be afraid of mistakes and let your thoughts and memories out!
There are then some guided questions to help gain clarity on your last year. Try to answer them as completely as possible.
Planning This Year
This next section allows you to start thinking about the upcoming year. Based on how last year went, you can decide what things you want to do more of or less of. In addition, you can figure out what you want to prioritize!
New Year, Better Me!
The next two pages are for creating a new identity. First, write a “standard” resolution like “I want to lose weight”. Translate that into a new identity! In this case, you could say “I am a fit person”. Writing in the present tense allows you to start embodying this new identity from the very beginning!
In the last page you can write only the new identities! Print this page out and tape it somewhere you can see to remind yourself about these identities.
What comes next?
Make sure to go to our Goals and Systems workbook next with the perspective of your new identities! This is where you can now take the identity and put them into specific goals and systems. Check out our article about this here as well!