Book Library Notion Template
Our Book Library Notion template is the perfect way to keep track of your reading! We created this template so that there is a way to see the status of all of your books. In addition, there are additional features for reflection, collecting online resources, and setting reading goals. If you need some motivation to read more this year check out our article here.
Note: As of March 15th, 2024 this template has been updated to a new version. You can get this book library template through Gumroad and find our tutorial below:
This book library template comes with everything you need as a reader! It can be fun to look back on all of the books you’ve read this year, while thinking about which ones to read next. There is also a way to rate your books from 1 – 5 stars and write down your own reviews and reflections.
Our template at a glance
Here is our template at a glance! The main page of the template is designed in a minimal and pleasing way that still has all of the necessary information.

- Favorite book and quote: One the left side you can customise this template with your favorite book and quote to personalize this book library.
- Reading Goals and Resources: Here you can put your goals or challenges and save online reading lists or resources.
- My Reading Dashboard: The reading dashboard provides you with two views “Reading now” and “Want to read”.
- What I read this year: This is where you’ll see all the books you’ve read this year.
- Browse Books by Genre: All of your books can also be viewed according to the genre.
- Book Library: Here you’ll see a list of all of your books in one place with the option to see only your favorites.
How to add a new book

Whenever you want to add a new book, click “+New” in “All of My books” or “My reading dashboard”. Each time you add a new book, you can put the genre, status, format, start/finish date, rating, author, and even a bookmark about which page you’re on.
Once you finish a book, within the book’s main page, click “Template: Write your Reviews” for the reflection inside the book. The reflection template is included to help you think back on your reading experience while collecting your favorite quotes.
How to add a new genre

This Book Library template also allows you to organize your books by genre. To add a new genre, click “+New” in “Browse books by genre”. Click “Template: Genre” for the built-in template inside the genre. This allows you to link your books to the new genre, while providing a way to see a list of books by genre.