Reflect & Reset for 2024 (Free Notion Workbook)

new year 2024 with Notion

Hi everyone and Happy New Year! We’re excited to walk you through how to reflect and reset for January 2024 using Notion. Join us as we share the process of looking back on the previous year, and setting resolutions for the upcoming one.

Changing the Notion Workspace

For us, the kickoff to a monthly reset involves changing the cover photo of our Notion workspace. We love selecting an image that aligns with the mood of January. This time, we went for a winter-themed picture with a fresh vibe. If you’re interested, you can find the link to the free January collection here!

Customizing the Notion Workspace

After changing the cover, we dive into customizing the icon, color scheme, and overall aesthetics of our Notion workspace. This January, we went with a soothing gray color palette, a delicate snowflake icon, and a light pink background for that extra touch of freshness.

Reflecting on December 2023 Goals

Next up is revisiting the goals from December 2023. We take stock of what we accomplished and where we can make improvements. In our case, December’s goals included getting outside more, sticking to a consistent schedule for videos and templates, hosting live events, learning new productivity tools, and completing travel plans for the holidays.

Setting Goals for January 2024

With December in the rearview, we set our sights on new goals for January 2024. Our focus includes studying productivity tools, incorporating more stretching into my routine, finishing a book, and reserving daily time for study.

Planning My Month

We then delve into planning our month in Notion. Adjustments are made to accommodate a rescheduled Estonia trip, with live events and template creation still in the planning phase.

Free Notion Workbook Template – Reflection and Planning

To cap off my reset, we used a resolution reflection and planning template. This template prompts me to reflect on the past year, acknowledge areas of personal growth, learn from mistakes, and set goals for the future.

Enter code NEWYEAR100 to get this for FREE. We do this to prevent bots from accessing all of our templates. Although it’s free, we’d also greatly appreciate any donations to continue doing this ❤️

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